I expect my time in Kunming to include some travel throughout Yunnan and other parts of Asia. Heading west should get easier as progress proceeds on the Stillwell Road connecting China and India: http://gokunming.com/en/blog/date.php?date=2007-04-23
Anyhow, the real point of this post is to say that I'm going to let my hair grow until I get around to going to Burma. A couple of pounds of hair should be able to pay my rent for a few months:
http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/05/13/myanmar.hair.ap/index.html As you can see from the photo, I've got some growing to do.
p.s. Sorry about putting in the whole URLs. My Blogger managing page is still in Mandarin, and I can't figure a lot of things out, including how to create links. Also, I should be able to continue posting; I just can't view the blog. I also can't view your comments, so if you have something to say to me that you'd like me to hear before my next trip out of here, e-mail me at rauch22@gmail.com.
Glad to see that you're doing well there, Maggie. I was looking at some of your earlier blogs and noticed that Kunming isn't too far from Hong Kong--my birthplace. Thought about going there any? Your photos of the city show that it is much different than what I had imagined. It looks like a vibrant, industrialized city.
This is the code you should use:
a href=http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/05/13/myanmar.hair.ap/index.html>visit this link /a
just add <, in front the first a, >, after index.html, and < & > around the /a (left that out so you could read the code). Does that help?
Should be like this:
visit this link
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